Custom Clothing - Alterations - Mending - Crafts


Alterations and Mending

Need a button sewn?  A zipper replaced?  Got a rip that needs repaired?  Need a garment taken in or let out? Patti can help you get that custom look for the clothes you wear -- it's a look that you'll never get from clothes off the rack.

Memory Quilts

Memories surround us.  Keep those memories close to you with a rag quilt that also keeps you warm at night! Whether you saved t-shits, favorite baby clothes or  blue jeans, Patti can turn them into a memorable quilt that will keep you warm at night!


Ever burn your hands taking a bowl out of the microwave?  No more!  These sets of microwave bowlholders are designed to allow you to put a bowl in the microwave, heat it to the desired temperature and then take it out safely!